In her latest film, The Substance, Moore portrays Elisabeth Sparkle, a celebrity struggling with fading fame and aging. The plot follows Sparkle’s transformation after taking an illegal, age-reversing substance, temporarily bringing her youth and confidence back but at a destructive cost. Director Coralie Fargeat cast Moore for her readiness to confront themes of self-acceptance, self-doubt, and the fear of aging. Moore explained that the role resonated with her, seeing it as a chance to explore societal pressures and internalized ideals of beauty and youth.
Throughout her career, Moore has grappled with the pressures of Hollywood’s standards, sharing her journey toward self-acceptance. Reflecting on her earlier years, she admitted to feeling consumed by rigorous exercise and dieting, especially during G.I. Jane and Striptease. However, Moore eventually found peace by embracing a more balanced lifestyle, realizing, “Being thin did not equal happiness.”
Despite her insights, Moore still faces judgment about her looks, particularly regarding rumored cosmetic surgeries. While she’s consistently denied altering her face surgically, rumors resurface with each public appearance. Recently, Dr. Jonny Betteridge, an aesthetics specialist, analyzed her appearance changes, suggesting she may have had a face and neck lift as well as eyelid procedures. Although Moore remains quiet about these allegations, her approach to self-image remains consistent. She embraces her age with confidence, stating, “Your 60s are not what your 60s used to be.”
At this stage in her life, Moore values independence, reflecting on how her 40s brought her the most career challenges. With her children now grown, she is ready to chart her own path. While opinions about her looks vary, Moore continues to age gracefully, embodying a sense of self-acceptance and resilience that inspires admiration.